This is provided to all health disciplines: doctors, nurses, and paramedics. Such training programs are usually in the form of refresher courses that will update the participants on the new developments in medicine and equipment with courses tailored towards the need of the particular discipline.

In any profession, the outcome of a task or job is influenced significantly by the quality nd availability of the right tools and the medical profession is no exception to this. Damtol Health Services will visit your hospitals, recommend and supply the equipment that would enhance the day-to-day productivity of your staff.

Health Tourism
It is common for those in charge to neglect their wellbeing whilst striving for the growth and development of their organisations. Our Health Tourism package caters for Company Directors and Executives with hectic work schedules, who seldom pay attention to their own health. Damtol Health Services offers you the opportunity to travel to South Africa for a comprehensive medical check-up, thereby also attending to any specific complaint you may have.

In any profession, the outcome of a task is significantly influenced by the quality and availability of the right tools. The medical profession is no exception to this. Damtol Health Services will visit your hospitals to evaluate, recommend and supply the equipment which will enhance the day-to-day productivity of your staff.

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